Keep on Keeping on!

Here I am at 59 years old, still working hard. If I can do it, so can you!

Custom Planning

Getting blood work done regularly and finding where you’re deficient is a must. Creating treatments designed specifically for you will increase your longevity. Here I discuss some of the treatments and care I am receiving during a treatment session.

Counteracting Negatives

Acute physical pain puts more stress on the body than anything psychological. One of the best coping mechanisms is exercise, which releases, dopamine and endorphins, which counteract the negative effects of such extremes.

Even when the deck is stacked against you….

I have shown many videos of me performing at my best levels with Sjogrens Syndrome. I wanted to share with you what happens at least once a month when my antibodies attack my cells and I have a flare up. It attacks different parts of my body but in these pictures it impacts my right […]

No excuses

Recognize limitations and restrictions but never make excuses. Staying consistent and focused on the process will help you far more than the excuses will. How I’m dealing with a current restriction.

One minute stress reducer.

IN this video Mike shares his one minute exercise that has great exertion but gives a huge release of immediate endorphins bringing general well being when under stress.

Another hint to make working out easier (Part 2)

In my previous blog post I talked about having a training partner to make it easier. Another way to create drive and motivation is to join a team that will push you in your exercise program and for many people make it more enjoyable.

Another hint to make working out easier

I forgot how much easier it is to work out when you have a partner. A partner motivates you and hold you accountable at the same time. Also, they sometimes have new exercises and ideas that you have not considered. If you sometimes struggle on your workouts alone, look to work out with a committed […]


In this video, Healthy Old Mike discusses daily routine to create healthy lifestyle of longevity.

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